Wolfram U

Data Science

Employ a multiparadigm approach for your data science projects. Develop modular, flexible and scalable workflows to import, process, analyze and visualize data. Learn about easy-to-use functions, repositories, frameworks and interfaces while applying algorithms and techniques from across multiple disciplines.

These courses showcase some of the computational processes driving data analysis and visualization, the application of automated machine learning tools and the use of natural language queries within a symbolic framework. Topics covered also include the use of interactive Wolfram Notebooks and the cloud for generating reports and deploying data products. Earn course completion certificates and work toward Level 1 and Level 2 data science certifications.

Upcoming Events

  • MAY 24 | Online

    Building a Data Science Pipeline

    In this webinar, you will learn the fundamental steps needed to complete a data science project from start to finish. Using a food dataset as a starting point, you will learn how to import, clean up and restructure categorical data. Along the way, you will learn how to replace anomalous values, canonicalize data, handle missing values and use machine learning to extract features from data.

  • Jun 13 | Online

    Data Visualization with Wolfram Language

    With the use of a curated dataset from the Wolfram Data Repository, this course shows how to quickly visualize different data structures and how to make your graphics ready to publish and share. Domain-specific functions and general techniques are shared for getting the most out of your graphics.

  • Aug 5–16 | Online

    Data Science Boot Camp

    Learn how to leverage the capabilities of Wolfram Language to deliver world-class data science results in this two-week online boot camp. Interact with experts on machine learning, generative AI, dynamic visualization, automated reporting and notebook-based interactive workflows.